Tas Membranas means “The Parchments” and is taken from 2 Timothy 4:13, where we find the only New Testament occurrence of the Greek word membrana (English “membrane”). Our desire is to review and recommend only sound, solid, and scriptural books for the growth and edification of God’s people (see our premier post: "September 7, 2012 Tas Membranas: An Encouragement to Read" for details). Our commitment, therefore, is to post at least one review at the first of each month, but our goal is to post two per month.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Foundations of Grace

By: Steven J. Lawson

While some teachers insist that the Doctrines of Grace are “a twisting of Scripture” or are a teaching that is simply “based upon a few isolated proof texts,” there is in reality nothing that permeates the Bible more than these doctrines, doctrines that proclaim God’s sovereign grace. From Genesis to Revelation, in literally hundreds of verses, these doctrines call, capture, and command our attention.

That is the theme of Dr. Steve Lawson’s Foundations of Grace. I mentioned this book in our top ten list back in February (TOTT #67), but I wanted to expand that review. I recently recommended this book to a friend and colleague who had not yet heard of it. The next time we talked his first comment was that next to the Bible this was his favorite book. There is good reason for that, and I think this will be true of many readers. This book is nothing less than a modern classic.

“The teaching of sovereign grace,” Lawson writes, “literally stretches from cover to cover in the Bible” (p. 36). Beginning with Moses, moving on to the historical writers and prophets, and then marching on to the Apostles, early Church Fathers and their descendents throughout Church History, and finally up to modern defenders of the faith, the doctrines of sovereign grace are shown to be biblical and historical beyond the slightest shadow of a doubt.

Of Erasmus, Luther declared: “Your God is too man-like” (cited in Sinclair Ferguson, “The Fear of the Lord: Seeing God As He Is,” Discipleship Journal 52 [1989], p. 42). One of the saddest developments that has again overtaken Christianity is the rejection of the historical Doctrines of Grace in favor of a man-centered “theology.” But there are no doctrines that are more life-changing, character-transforming, evangelism-driving, and Christ-exalting than are these. I would dare predict that anyone who currently rejects these doctrines (either in total or just “certain points”), if they would just quietly and prayerfully read Lawson’s book, they would reconsider and very possibly be transformed forever. The Doctrines of Grace are not part of a system imposed upon the Bible, rather truth that is infused within it, and Lawson’s masterpiece repeatedly demonstrates this with clarity, comprehensiveness, and conviction—while “masterpiece” is perhaps an overused label nowadays, I have no hesitation whatsoever using it here.

A few chapter titles well illustrate this wondrous subject. Old Testament chapters include: “Where the Long Line Begins” (Gen.); “Sovereign Grace in the Wilderness” (Exod.); “Spokesman of Sovereign Grace” (Isa.); and “Heralds of Divine Regeneration” (Jer., Ezek., Dan.).

The New Testament chapters begin with one that might offend some: “Christ, the Calvinist” (Matt., Mk, Lk.), which graphically and accurately presents how “our Lord boldly proclaimed the sovereignty of God in the salvation of men wherever He went” (p. 242). As Lawson reminds us for history’s sake, quoting James Montgomery Boice, “The doctrines known as Calvinism are not something that emerged late in church history, but rather are that which takes its origins in the teaching of Jesus.” Other chapters then include: “The Mount Everest of Theology” (Jn.); “By His Grace and for His Glory” (Rom.); “Preacher of the Doctrines of Grace (1 & 2 Cor. and Gal.); “Before the Foundation of the World” (Eph.—2 Thess.); “Evangelism and Divine Sovereignty” (Acts and Heb.); and “Sovereign Regeneration” (the epistles of James John, and Jude).
As a book reviewer, the publisher (Reformation Trust) sent me a PDF copy for this review, a very unique approach. Upon final approval of my review, they will send me a hardcopy as “compensation.” My review doesn’t have to be “positive,” only “serious, substantive, and fair.” My comments, therefore, are not motivated by “compensation,” rather by true excellence. Believe me, if I didn’t like it, I would tell you so.

This volume is actually the first of five in Lawson’s series, “A Long Line of Godly Men.” Again, this first one (Foundations of Grace) covers 1400 BC through AD 100, tracing the doctrines of grace throughout every book of the Bible. Volume 2 (Pillars of Grace) will cover the 2nd- through 16th-centuries (Irenaeus, Jerome, Augustine, Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin). Volume 3 (Forces of Grace) will cover the 16th- and 17th-centuries (Knox and the Puritans). Volume 4 (Progress of Grace) will cover the 17th- through 19th-centuries (Edwards, Warfield, Hodge, Princeton Seminary, and Shedd). Volume 5 (Triumph of Grace) will cover the 19th-century through the present (Spurgeon, Ryle, M’Cheyne, Kuyper, Pink, Lloyd-Jones, and MacArthur). We eagerly await each one.

In a day when doctrine is not only on the decline, but on the defensive, having to prove itself to be “relevant,” it is books like this one that underscore the need for truth and the necessity of its proclamation. There are few books that I can recommend as highly as this one. Read it, my dear Christian Friend, and be blessed.

(To comply with Federal Trade Commission rules, I would note that I will receive a free copy of this book as compensation for my review. Such, however, in no way effects my honest review.)

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